Thursday, November 18, 2010

loving it!

yes, loving such a fabulous family! perfect, perfect kids and not to mention they are adorable! this is just a super-mini sneak preview as my week has been crazy. i will say that i love the 2nd picture. it was literally the very first picture i took and i love it. love it to the point of wishing it was me and one of my kids!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

oh my goodness....

i haven't posted in a loooong time!
my baby isn't so little anymore!

and i have to post some halloween!
and i can't ever forget my pretty princess!
yes.... her halloween costume. the only difference from any other day is she wore make up to trick or treat. but tutu's are a regular sighting in the hopkins house!

i have stayed a bit busy but just haven't taken the time to post to the blog. it is the holiday season and christmas cards are a great reason to stop and take some pictures. i am only taking a limited number of sessions.

Monday, January 25, 2010

my new addition!

I am still taking some time off since the newest addition to my family is only 5 days old. However, I could not resist a mini-photo shoot while still in the hospital! These are 2 of my favorites- he was on the foot of my hospital bed and was about 26 hours old. What a great subject - he didn't complain once!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

time off!

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here is a new favorite of my daughter! i just love it!

time off, you ask.... well, i am have a baby boy NEXT week! i am super excited for so many reasons but it is going to be fun to have another little subject for pictures! i have already bought hats, a cocoon, multiple blankets, etc. so there will be LOTS of newborn pictures!

if you are interested in a session... it will probably be spring (april time frame) before i start booking sessions again! i think that will be good timing too for better weather and maybe some nice mother's day gifts for grandmothers???

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Great Family!!!

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this was a FUN family! i am so glad it worked out to take the pictures too. all but one family member came from out of town so we had trouble with schedules, etc. but it worked out and we ended up have a great day too. it was cold cold but everyone was such a trooper! Thanks Mandy for organizing everything!